1. Account Verification:

All PayPal emails must be verified to use the service.
Users must be the rightful owner of the PayPal account.
2. Number of Connected PayPal Accounts:

Users are allowed to connect up to 2 PayPal accounts.
3. Source of Funds Verification:

Users must be able to verify the source of funds in their PayPal account.
4. Rejection and Refund Policy:

Payments from unregistered PayPal connected accounts will be rejected.
Refunds for rejected payments will be processed within 7 business days.
5. Change of Connected PayPal Account Email:

Users are allowed to change the connected PayPal account email once per month.
6. Refund Request Window:

Users have 24 hours after payment is sent to request a refund.
7. Final Transfer Policy:

After 24 hours, all transfers are considered final.
8. Claim Against Transaction:

Filing a claim against a transaction will result in termination of services.
9. Transfer Settlement Time:

Allow 24-48 hours for the transfer to settle.
10. Prohibited Actions:

Paying from accounts not owned by the user is strictly prohibited.
Transferring amounts other than those explicitly allowed will be rejected.
11. Service Fees:

Service fees are non-refundable. Partial refunds will be provided for the remaining amount.
12. Right to Reject and Review:

We reserve the right to reject any transfers.
We reserve the right to conduct a review on any transaction.
Note: These terms are subject to change, and users will be notified of any updates.